Micro conceptos

Micro conceptos


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Build-up patterns zone 1

Build-up patterns zone 1

Frame of reference

Frame of reference

How to choose a game model?

How to choose a game model?

What is positional game?

What is positional game?

Game model practical examples

Game model practical examples

Methodology at Real Valladolid C.F.

Methodology at Real Valladolid C.F.

Offensive phase

Offensive phase

Monitoring and justification of tasks

Monitoring and justification of tasks

How to choose a game model?

How to choose a game model?

Reference framework

Reference framework

Methodology and periodisation of endurance work

Methodology and periodisation of endurance work

From the Preparatory Period to the Competitive Microcycle

From the Preparatory Period to the Competitive Microcycle

Characteristics of global tasks

Characteristics of global tasks

Attacking phase case study: Build-Up

Attacking phase case study: Build-Up

Aspects to work on at each stage

Aspects to work on at each stage

Types of strength and their characteristics

Types of strength and their characteristics

Delimitation, duration or number of players

Delimitation, duration or number of players

Quique Setién


Tipos de extremo
Julián Calero

Tipos de extremo

Ventajas numéricas del 1-4-3-3

Ventajas numéricas del 1-4-3-3

Atacar el área rival

Atacar el área rival

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