Micro conceptos

Micro conceptos


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Session structure and training tasks

Session structure and training tasks

Training perspective

Training perspective

Periodisation of Recovery Strategies

Periodisation of Recovery Strategies

Speed of execution

Speed of execution

Road to the season: Transitional period and preseason

Road to the season: Transitional period and preseason

Fatigue management tools in women's football

Fatigue management tools in women's football



Possession, balance and offensive movements

Possession, balance and offensive movements

Individual tactics and small group behaviour 1

Individual tactics and small group behaviour 1

Working on general behaviours: Distances between lines - Defensive duels

Working on general behaviours: Distances between lines - Defensive duels

Modelling or extensive tasks

Modelling or extensive tasks

Keys to positional game. Overcoming lines through passing.

Keys to positional game. Overcoming lines through passing.

Ball fixings

Ball fixings

Generalities and types of defensive set-pieces

Generalities and types of defensive set-pieces

Position game keys. Overcoming lines through passing.

Position game keys. Overcoming lines through passing.

Modelling or extensive tasks

Modelling or extensive tasks

Endurance. Attack + Transition: Specific endurance

Endurance. Attack + Transition: Specific endurance

Periodisation of Recovery Strategies

Periodisation of Recovery Strategies

How to constrain tasks 2

How to constrain tasks 2

Set Pieces

Set Pieces

Flexibility training

Flexibility training

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